Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Virtual Lecture Series and Early Career Networking Hour 2023

Del 24 de enero al 27 de abril de 2023

Online - Zoom

The Societal Challenges Lecture Series is aimed at early career researchers with a two-fold objective: delivering cutting-edge academic analysis on the diverse problems of our times, and providing international networking opportunities for doctoral researchers and postdocs. The lecture series aims at providing an antidote to impulsive disaster talk through perceptive academic analysis. Outstanding researchers within the Aurora University Alliance will give engaging online lectures during the academic year 2023 within two of the Aurora priority domains:

  1. Digital Society & Global Citizenship
  2. Health & Well-Being

Delivered online via Zoom, each event begins with a 30-45 minute lecture by an outstanding researcher. Following the talk, you will have the opportunity to discuss the lecture, formulate questions for the speaker, and network in breakout rooms for 20 minutes. Finally, audience and speaker reconvene for a well-prepared, stimulating Q&A. Visit the lecture series webpage to find the lecture series program and information on how to join each individual session.

Digital Society & Global Citizenship

07 March 2023, 14:00-15:30 CET

Complex systems approaches to social sciences illustrated with an analysis of judicial decisions
Marta Sales-Pardo & Lluc Font Pomarol, Dept. Of Chemical Engineering, Univ. Rovira i Virgili

23 March 2023, 14:00-15:30 CET

Preparing the Next Generation to Fulfil SDGs: Teaching for Social Innovation
Maxim Tomoszek, Centre for International Humanitarian and Operational Law, Palacký University

30 March 2023, 14:00-15:30 CET

Illegal content on digital platforms - a legal perspective
Clara Rauchegger, Dept. of Legal Theory and Future of Law, University of Innsbruck

27 April 2023, 14:00-15:30 CET

Cloud Culture: Cinema, Digital Modernity and the Archive
Björn Þór Vilhjálmsson, Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Iceland

Health & Well-being

01 February 2023, 14:00-15:30 CET

Diet in the primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases: PREDIMED STUDIES
Jordi Salas-Salvadó, Dept. of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Universitat Rovira i Virgili

09 February 2023, 14:00-15:30 CET

To feed or not to feed. - How tumor cells adapt to their nutrient environment
Kathrin Thedieck, Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Innsbruck

09 March 2023, 14:00-15:30 CET

Mendelian disorders of the Epigenetic Machinery: discovery to possible treatments
Hans Tómas Björnsson, Biomedical Center; University of Iceland

13 April 2023, 14:00-15:30 CET

Ecosystem Health: From single cells to solar system scale
Alexander Probst, Research Center One Health Ruhr, University of Duisburg-Essen


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