Mostrando de 1 a 3 de 3 entradas disponibles para el día 22/08/22
Open Aurora courses at the University of Innsbruck!
Del 16 de agosto al 11 de septiembre de 2022
University of Innsbruck, Austria
In the upcoming winter semester 2022/2023 Universität Innsbruck will offer diverse Bachelor's and Master's level "Aurorised Courses" open to students of all Aurora universities.
Aurora Student Schemes
Del 1 de julio al 31 de julio de 2023
We are pleased to announce that you can now apply for the Aurora Student Schemes for the upcoming Academic year 2022/2023. Become part of an international community of students by taking on one of the following two roles:
Student Ambassador
If you want to be a part of an international community of students, the role of Aurora Student Ambassador will be perfect for you.
Student Champion
This role is created specifically for students that want to go the extra mile. You will directly work on the key Aurora topics, in addition to the joint activities provided to Aurora Student Ambassadors.
The application is ongoing and will remain open until the end of the Academic Year. You can join the program at any point until July 2023.
International Summer School in Refugee Law and Rights
Del 15 al 25 de agosto de 2022
It's possible to attend in-person (Palacky University in Olomouc) and online.
Aurora is proud to announce the Call for 9th International Summer School in Refugee Law and Rights, this year co-organized between Palacky University Olomouc and Karazin Kharkiv National University with the title: "War-displaced Persons Protection Rights - Case study Ukraine"
The school is a continuation of Aurora CDS fundraising and support programme, and a donation to Karazin Kharkiv Naional University. It is hosted by Law Faculty at Palacky University in Olomouc as a 10-day hybrid training event, possible to attend in-person and online.
More information can be found via the attached flyers and on the official website